Premium Chair
von HattonGreat comfort. Flexible. Quality material. The price tag is a bit steep but if you're spending a lot of your time sat playing or working at the PC then it's worth every penny.
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noblechairs steht für eine unverkennbare Optik, luxuriöse Materialien und absoluten Komfort. Dank maschineller Präzisionsfertigung wird eine makellose Verarbeitung unserer Produkte garantiert und das Sitzen auf noblechairs in ein wahrhaft hedonistisches Vergnügen verwandelt.
Zur beeindruckenden Ästhetik aller noblechairs gesellen sich eine wohltuend körperschonende Formgebung und eine verformungsresistente Polsterung aus offenporigem und damit klimaregulierendem Kaltschaum. Dieser bleibt aufgrund seiner hohen Dichte dauerhaft formstabil, verhindert so effektiv ein zu tiefes Einsinken und entlastet dadurch den Rücken.
Bei den Bezugsmaterialien unserer noblechairs ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei: Zur Auswahl stehen veganes PU-Kunstleder mit gleichmäßig feiner Narbung, genuines Echtleder mit hoher Atmungsaktivität oder besonders geschmeidiges Nappaleder mit einem unvergleichlich edlen Look.
Die noblechairs 4D-Armlehnen bieten maximale Einstellungsmöglichkeiten und lassen sich in vier Dimensionen verstellen: horizontal (Längsachse), lateral (Querachse), vertikal (Höhe) und dazu kommt der justierbare Neigungswinkel. So wird eine optimale Anpassung an den individuellen Schreibtisch kinderleicht.
Das mattschwarz pulverbeschichtete Fußkreuz unserer noblechairs besteht aus stabilem Vollaluminium und trägt ein Gewicht von bis zu 120 Kilogramm.
Exzellenz verdient Anerkennung. Die EPIC-Reihe ist nun vierfacher Gewinner des begehrten European Hardware Awards in der Kategorie “Best Gaming Chair”. Die zur Computex 2017, 2019, 2020 und 2022 von der European Hardware Association vergebene prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung bestärkt noblechairs darin, nach Perfektion und höchster Qualität zu streben.
Einstellmöglichkeiten | |
höhenverstellbar | Ja |
verstellbare Rückenlehne | Ja |
verstellbare Armlehnen | Ja |
Gurtdurchführung | Ja |
Kippfunktion (Sitzfläche) | Ja |
Lieferumfang | |
inklusive Kopfkissen | Ja |
inklusive Lendenkissen | Ja |
Produktserie | |
Produktserie / -familie | EPIC |
Zertifizierungen | |
Sicherheitsklasse Gasdruckfeder | Klasse 4 |
Zertifizierungen | Bürostuhlzertifizierung nach DIN EN 1335 |
Konformität | |
Konformitätsdokumente | noblechairs Epic Konformität und Sicherheit |
Herstellerinformationen |
Pro Gamersware GmbH Gaußstraße 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany [email protected] |
Verantwortliche Person |
Pro Gamersware GmbH Gaußstraße 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany [email protected] |
Farbe | |
Hauptfarbe | Schwarz |
Sekundärfarbe | Schwarz |
Hauptfarbe Kissen | Schwarz |
Farbe der Nähte | Schwarz |
Hauptfarbe Kissennähte | Gold |
Stuhl Spezifikationen | |
Höhe Rückenlehne | 84 cm |
Breite Rückenlehne innen | 28 cm |
Breite Rückenlehne außen, breitester Punkt | 51 cm |
Höchste Sitzposition, einstellbar | 59 cm |
Tiefste Sitzposition, einstellbar | 49 cm |
Minimalhöhe der Armlehnen | 64 cm |
Tiefe Sitzfläche | 46 cm |
Breite Sitzfläche innen | 34 cm |
Breite Sitzfläche außen, breitester Punkt | 57 cm |
min. Gesamthöhe | 129 cm |
max. Gesamthöhe | 139 cm |
Integrierte verstellbare Lordosenstütze | Nein |
Typ der Rollen | Hartbodenrollen, Weichbodenrollen |
Größe der Rollen | 60 mm |
max. Neigungswinkel des Sitzes | 11 ° |
min. Winkel der Rückenlehne | 90 ° |
max. Winkel der Rückenlehne | 135 ° |
Richtungen der verstellbaren Armlehnen | 4D (4 Richtungen) |
Armlehnentiefe | 27 cm |
Armlehnenbreite | 10.5 cm |
min. Armlehnenhöhe (niedrigste Stuhlposition) | 64 cm |
max. Armlehnenhöhe (niedrigste Stuhlposition) | 73 cm |
min. Armlehnenhöhe (höchste Stuhlposition) | 74 cm |
max. Armlehnenhöhe (höchste Stuhlposition) | 83 cm |
min. Innenabstand der Armlehnen | 47.5 cm |
max. Innenabstand der Armlehnen | 54 cm |
max. empfohlenes Gewicht | 120 kg |
Maximalbelastung | 120 kg |
Material | |
Hauptmaterial Sitzbezug | Echtleder |
Material Sitzfläche | Kaltschaum |
Material Basis | Aluminium |
Inneres Material Kissen | Kaltschaum, Polyester |
Material Kissenbezug | Stoff |
Material Rahmen | Stahl |
Material Armlehnen | Polyurethan |
Material Fuß/Rollen | Nylon, Polyurethan |
Abmessungen / Maße | |
Gewicht | 28 kg |
Great comfort. Flexible. Quality material. The price tag is a bit steep but if you're spending a lot of your time sat playing or working at the PC then it's worth every penny.
I'd had my eye on this for some time, and Black Friday created an opportunity too good to ignore. The usual swift delivery process followed although you feel somewhat sorry for the courier lugging an overlarge, nearly 30kg box up narrow office stairs. Well packaged it was quite easy to assemble, even for one person (two would be easier, if only to move the whole box. Most parts are easily identifiable. Just take your time to match photos especially with orientation of the main seat mount. They really mean it when they say don't touch the seat back level until you have attached the seat back. It's vicious! Oddly the instructions says the seat is rated at only 100kg, but OcUK assure us that is wrong and it should be 180kg. Once assembled you can lean relax in relative comfort enjoying that new leather smell. Height, tilt, back recline. All offer good range. The armrests move in all sorts of up, down, side to side frontways directions. Nice. Stitching of the leather is fine. I’m about 6’ tall but the medics would suggest I’m in the obese range, and the general fit of the chair to my frame is good. Unlike many gaming chairs, the seat sides do not have especially pronounced bolsters which is great if you have chubby thighs. The seat cushion is very very firm. But I do have some issues, hence why I cannot give it the full 10 star treatment. The armrest outer release button, allowing vertical movement, is on a thin metal plate that has simply been cut square. The bottom corners are sharp, and a more rounded feel would have been preferred. The shoulder cut outs on the chair are obviously plastic. Not sure what other material might have been used, but this does clash cheaply with the real leather. Armrests are OK, but quite square. A DX racer chair I had felt more rounded and smoother. The back rest and seat once assembled are offset by about 10mm. Perhaps it’s not much, but for a chair usually sold with a standard price approaching £500, good alignment is to be expected. The seat back behind your main spine is almost straight. Most will need some form of lumbar support, but, the cushion supplied is too thick. Indeed I’m surprised that none of these gaming chairs build in a lumbar adjustment in the way that most car seats do. Any finally, the velvet lumbar and headrest cushions look great out of the box, but being un-cleanable how will it be in a few months?
I have had several different chairs over the years the last being one from a well known Scandinavian supplier which was comfortable for around 20 minutes and then made my back ache. I have been looking for a decent chair for some time. Being taller than average I do have trouble finding a chair which gives me the right seating position as I tend to spend a long time at the keyboard. Many mean I have to hunch over the keyboard which becomes uncomfortable and I find my back and shoulders ache . No such problems with this one from Noble. Its a superb chair and I wondered if the seat was taken from a Noble sports car as it is so supportive. When you first press the cushion you think its very hard but it is not it is a good well designed chair with plenty of support A nice touch are the adjustable armrests in addition to moving up or down they also slide forward to provide support. It is well made and has a good solid feel. Well worth the money. A minor point when assembling an extra pair of hands might come in handy for aligning the backrest. which I found a bit awkward on my own. Apart from that assembly was fairly straghtforward