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 - HERO White Edition

HERO White Edition

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(4.8/5) 23 reviews
Experience the very best in premium gaming and office chairs with the HERO White Edition using our exclusively designed and manufactured in Germany Vibrant White highly durable material. Additionally, enjoy comfortable cold-foam upholstery, color-matched head and lumbar pillow set, superior ergonomics thanks to adjustability options, 4D armrests, XL casters, and support for up to 150 kg.
1. Choose Your Upholstery:
Faux Leather Real leather High-tech faux leather Fabric
2. Choose Your color: White Edition
€394.87 (excl. VAT) Differing tax rate. Other costs (e.g. taxes, customs duties, fees) may arise in connection with your order, which are not invoiced or paid by us. Such costs must be paid by you directly to the respective customs authority, logistics provider or tax authority. For details, please contact the relevant authorities. excl.
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noblechairs HERO White Edition


Developed and produced exclusively for noblechairs, our hightech Vinyl has been designed for users demanding the highest quality in both color and durability thanks to its vibrant white easy to clean surface protection:

  • Vibrant White developed exclusively for noblechairs
  • Manufactured and designed in Germany and exported for production of our chairs
  • Dirt repellent and extremely hard wearing surface
  • Easy to clean surface protecting from paint, make up, denim, and other stubborn stains
noblechairs HERO White Edition


The largest of our gaming and office chairs, the HERO Series offers our most advanced backrest with a larger surface thanks to it being both taller and wider; combined with an integrated memory foam headrest, it’s our most feature packed backrest to date. Offering an increased seat base along with larger armrests makes for our largest chair, offering unrivaled freedom of movement and comfort.

  • Increased armrest surface
  • Wider seat base
  • Larger backrest
EHA award winner noblechairs HERO White Edition


Since the European Hardware Association (EHA) established the Gaming Chair Category in 2017, noblechairs has achieved a flawless run for five years as voted by the most prominent tech sites across Europe.

comfort noblechairs HERO White Edition


The noblechairs HERO Series is the work of our German design team alongside esport professionals who demand comfort and support for extended periods. Together, we’ve created an award winning, uncontested, ergonomic, and feature rich seating experience.

precision manufacturing noblechairs HERO White Edition


Introduced at the creation of the brand, noblechairs continues the proud tradition of using an advanced machine only manufacturing process with the HERO. As seen in the automotive industry, specialized robotic arms paired with robust steel forge the perfect frame for maximum durability. Together with our various upholstery options, which are cut and stitched using industrial machinery, you’re experiencing the very finest quality both inside and out, letting you rest easy.

robust noblechairs HERO White Edition


The foundation of the HERO Series from noblechairs is the powder coated wheelbase made from solid aluminum with five arms and specially designed castors. These 60mm castors consist of a Nylon core with a polyurethane coating that allows them to be quiet and suited for hard and soft flooring. Combined with the Safety Class 4 gas lift, the HERO has been designed in conjunction with the optimized base to offer support for a maximum load of up to 150 kg (330 lbs).

Chair certification Office chair certification in accordance with DIN EN 1335
Gas lift safety class Class 4
Chair Specifications
Backrest Height 89 cm
Backrest Width (Inner Dimension) 32 cm
Backrest Width (Outer Dimension) 57 cm
Highest Seating Position (Adjustable) 57 cm
Lowest Seating Position (Adjustable) 48 cm
Armrest Height (Minimum) 66 cm
Seat Depth 48 cm
Seat Width (Inner Dimension) 33 cm
Seat Width (Outer Dimension) 52 cm
Min. Total Height 130 cm
Max. Total height 139 cm
Integrated adjustable lumbar support Yes
Caster type Hard Floor Casters, Soft Floor Casters
Caster size 60 mm
Max. Seat Tilting Angle 11 °
Min. Backrest Angle 90 °
Max. Backrest Angle 125 °
Adjustable armrests directions 4D (4 Directions)
Armrest depth 27 cm
Armrest width 10.5 cm
Min. Armrests Height (Lowest Chair Position) 66 cm
Max. Armrests Height (Lowest Chair Position) 73 cm
Min. Armrests Height (Highest Chair Position) 76 cm
Max. Armrests Height (Highest Chair Position) 83 cm
Min. Inner Armrest Distance 49 cm
Max. Inner Armrest Distance 59 cm
Max. Recommended Weight 150 kg
Weight Limit 150 kg
Tilt function Yes
Adjustable Back Yes
Seatbelt guide No
Adjustable armrests Yes
Adjustable height Yes
Additional Contents
Lumbar cushion included Yes
Head cushion included Yes
Lighting / RGB No
Product Series
Product Series/Family HERO
Compliance Documents noblechairs Hero Compliance and Safety
Manufacturer Information Pro Gamersware GmbH
Gaußstraße 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany
Responsible Person Pro Gamersware GmbH
Gaußstraße 1, 10589 Berlin, Germany
Primary Colour White
Primary pillow colour White
Stiching colour Silver
Primary pillow stiching colour White
Upholstery High-Tech Faux Leather
Upholstery Core Material Cold foam
Base Material Aluminium
Pillow Core Material Cold foam, Polyester
Pillow Cover Material Fabric
Frame Material Steel
Armrests Material Polyurethane
Material Feet/Casters Nylon, Polyurethane
Weight 29 kg

noblechairs HERO Series - Assembly Instructions


noblechairs gas lift removal guide

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In Ordnung!

by Kaleva star_border star star star star

Ich nutze den Hero mit Hybrid-PU jetzt seit ungefähr 3 Wochen. An erster Stelle muss ich ein Lob an den Kundenservice anbringen. Ich hatte einen Materialfehler an der Sitzfläche, diese wurde aber umgehend und ohne viel Gerede ausgetauscht, echt top! Der Stuhl ist an sich optisch eine Wucht, er fässt sich gut an, die Verarbeitung ist sehr sauber. Allgemein wirkt er sehr hochwertig. Ich bin 1,80 Meter groß und bei 102 Kilo (hoffentlich bald weniger^^) und dafür ist er auch wie gemacht. Die Lehne ist groß, das Nackenkissen findet auch Verwendung. Mit der integrierten Lendenstütze habe ich mich noch nicht angefreundet, aber das ist sicher Geschmackssache. Bis zu diesem Punkt kann ich also nur positiv darüber berichten. Nun kommen 2 Mankos, wovon eines aber Menschenabhängig ist: die Härte der Sitzfläche. Ich hatte im Netz gelesen das er härter sein soll, und das ist er wirklich. Für meinen Geschmack etwas zu sehr, denn nach einer Zeit muss ich aufstehen, da mir der Hintern und der Oberschenkel etwas drückt. Manchmal rutsche ich einfach hin und her, um das Gewicht zu verlagern, was auch dank der großen Sitzfläche kein Problem ist. Also, wer gerne wirklich hart sitzt, der macht nichts falsch. Ich hoffe für meinen Teil das es sich noch etwas "einsitzt". Zweites Manko: die wackeligen Armstützen. Sicher, 4D braucht einen gewissen Spielraum, aber letztlich wirken sie etwas "billig" und sind auch ziemlich hart, was dauerhaftes Auflegen nicht angenehm macht. Dennoch ein toller Stuhl, aber mir fehlt dieses bestimmte Gefühl beim hineinsetzen. Dieses Gefühl von: "Hier kann ich bleiben", was eben der Härte verschuldet ist. Aber so unterschiedlich sind Menschen. Meine Freundin hat neulich drin gesessen und fand es absolut spitze.

Reviews are from unverified purchasers. Reviews which are factually incorrect, not related to the product, contain spam, harm, hate or profanity are not published.
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